Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Complete Guide to ACT Pacing and Time Management

5 Why is it important to know about ACT pacing? Why take the time to learn about ACT time management? Lets put it this way: So many ACT students get bogged down by the fact that each section of the ACT has so. many. questions. And youre given so little time to answer them! Heres what you need to remember: the ACT doesnt just test your knowledge. The exam is also a measure of how well you perform under pressure and how well you implement test-taking strategies. You can improve your pacing on the ACT, with the help of simple strategies. And doing so can drastically improve your score. Because, dont forget, the ACT doesnt penalize you for guessing in the same way that the old SAT used to. In other words: the ACT does not subtract points for wrong answers. So, its in your best interest to answer all of the questions, even if you have to guess on some. Ready to learn some strategies to improve your ACT pacing? Lets do this! Table of Contents ACT Time Management Strategies ACT Pacing and Time Management: English ACT Pacing and Time Management: Math ACT Pacing and Time Management: Reading ACT Pacing and Time Management: Science ACT Pacing and Time Management: Essay What to Do When ACT Times Almost Up ACT Time Management Strategies Budget Your Time Yes, keeping an eye on the clock can help keep you on track with your pacingbut constantly figuring out how many minutes you have left per problem also eats away at that valuable time! As you practice, work on ACT time management by dividing each test into groups of problems. On test day, know that youll only have a certain amount of time to do each problem, page, and section. Make sure to leave some time at the end to check your work!. If you can’t finish a certain portion in the allotted amount of time, move on. You may be able to come back to it later. If you can’t, at least you have more time to gain points elsewhere. When using this (and every other) strategy, its really important to†¦ Know Each Test’s Format Like the Back of Your Hand Always be aware of how many questions you have left! Good news: The number of questions per section never changes, and part of preparing for the ACT is knowing its format cold and practicing with it in mind. The ACT English Test has 75 test questions. The ACT Math test has 60 questions. The ACT Reading Test has 40 test questions. The test has 40 test questions. With those numbers in mind, keep track of where you are in a section at all times. Grouping problems within each section can also help with this. Start Each Section Strong Don’t rush through the beginning quarter of each ACT Test section. Instead, move quickly through the easy questions, saving the majority of your time for the harder test questions at the end. Another way to make sure youre not missing any points that are easy for you (rather than what the test makers consider easy): Quickly skim through the test, only stopping to do problems you are sure you know how to do. You may skip a question when you read a word you aren’t totally familiar with. Or maybe you frequently get a certain type of question wrong so you assume that this time will be no different. When you are done, return to the harder problems. Each of these methods leaves more time for working on harder problems. Keep in mind that you still might not necessarily get to every problem. You may not have time to come back to a lot of the problems you never even tried. Also, many test questions are easier than you think. If you have the time, at least try every single problem. Every point helps! Don’t Get Bogged Down in the Middle! Students usually find that time starts to run away from them when they start seeing harder questions that they refuse to â€Å"give up† on. Don’t let a few hard questions ruin your chance to finish all of them! If you’re spending more than two minutes on a single question, it’s time to guess and move on (this is particularly true on the Math test!. Also, this is another reason to always do the easiest questions first. Don’t Leave Any Questions Blank! Remember that there’s no wrong answer penalty on the ACT test, so if you feel the clock ticking down and you’ve still not been able to get to the last few questions, always bubble something in on your answer grid! Pick your favorite letter and go with that. With those general tips in mind, lets turn now to look at how you can maximize your time on each section of the ACT, in order of appearance. ACT Pacing and Time Management: English I know75 questions in 45 minutes sounds impossible. But it is doable, if youre strategic about it. How to strategize? Here are a few tips for ACT time management on the English test! Be Prepared Just like the Scouts, be prepared. Unlike the Scouts, your preparation will entail more grammar and less†¦chopping firewood? (I was a terrible Girl Scout, if you havent already guessed.) In short, learn the most commonly tested ACT English concepts in advance. There are certain things the ACT tests on every single exam, like punctuation. As you study, learn what appears most frequently on the test, and focus your study there before you move onto the concepts that only might appear on the test. A great place to start is the red Official Guide’s section on ACT English! Looking for the Main Idea of a Passage? Re-Read the Title! For those ACT English questions that ask about the purpose or function of a paragraph or the passage as a whole, go back and re-read the title of the passage. Every ACT English passage has one, and it’s a great clue to help you find the main idea! Rushing to Finish the ACT English Test? Pick â€Å"OMIT†! The ACT hates redundancy and wordiness, so a shorter answer choice is always better as long as it doesn’t 1) change the meaning of the sentence in a way that doesn’t make sense, or 2) introduce a new grammar error. ACT Pacing and Time Management: Math Even though the ACT Math test actually gives you the most time per question than any section on the exam (except, of course, the essay), for some reason the stats usually scare students the most. 60 questions in 60 minutes?! Yep. But dont worry! Heres how to face that ticking clock on ACT Math. Stressed Out Over a Hard ACT Math Question? Skip It! Don’t get bogged down in the middle of the ACT Math test. As weve seen, the questions only get more challenging as you go onbut remember, what the ACT test makers consider challenging may be right in your wheelhouse, and you may be able to rack up way more points later on in the section. If you are stuck on a particularly hard test question, mark it for later. Don’t spend more than two minutes (at the absolute, absolute max!) on any one Math test question. Low ACT scores are often the result of lingering too long in the middle of the test. Bring a Calculator You’re Comfortable Using Would you run a marathon in a pair of brand-new running shoes? Hopefully not. (Please dont do this.) Similarly, ACT test day is not the place to try out your brand-new calculator, or even to borrow one from your friend. Use a calculator that youre comfortable with so that it can serve the purpose it was meant to: helping you answer questions faster. Know What to Expect Just like ACT English, ACT Math tests the same kinds of questions on every single exam. Starting to notice a pattern? Yep, its that beautiful standardized format. How can knowing problem types and frequently tested content save you time? Well, imagine you come across a triangle problem and, unfamiliar with what the ACT Math section usually tests, you start using advanced trig formulas. Pretty soon, you arrive at an answerthat looks nothing like any of the available answer choices. ACT Math only tests very basic trig conceptsand knowing that could have saved you a lot of time and stress. ACT Pacing and Time Management: Reading The ACT Reading Test will always be the third test you take on the ACT Test. Since it is 35 minutes long and contains 40 questions and 4 passages (10 questions on each passage), you’ll have slightly less than 9 minutes to spend on each of the 4 passages. That means in 9 minutes you’ll have to: carefully read the passage AND answer 10 questions. What does this boil down to? Ideally, you’ll spend 3-4 minutes analyzing the passage and 6-7 minutes answering the questions. You may have already noticed that this section is significantly longer and contains more tips than the post has for other ACT sections. Thats on purpose! The ACT Reading section can really drag your score down if you fall into its time trapsand there are lots of time traps! How to avoid them? Read on! Do the Easiest Passage First One way you can focus your timing is to briefly flip through the entire test BEFORE you begin. Just because the passages are presented in a certain order doesn’t mean you have to approach them in that order! As you practice, you will start to realize which passages are easier and which are more challenging for you. For example, if Prose Fiction is your strong point but Natural Science passages make you nervous, it may make sense for you to do the Prose Fiction passage first and save the Natural Science passage for last. Just because the Natural Science passage is first, doesn’t mean you’ve got to do it right away. If you do decide to skip around, make sure you are still bubbling in your answers into the corresponding numbers on the answer grid. You don’t want to lose points because you bubbled incorrectly! Read Actively Another way you can pace yourself appropriately is by practicing your active reading skills. Do you find yourself getting lost in the details or are you someone who tends to read too quickly and miss some of the important information? For the ACT Reading Test, you’ve got to strike a balance between reading for the author’s point of view and for the function of each paragraph and also noting the location of important details in case you need to come back later. Make sure you underline anything that seems significant to you – look for words and phrases that reveal the author’s opinion or summarize or give the main idea of each paragraph. Practice with an egg timer. If you are spending more than 4 minutes reading and marking passages, you are risking not being able to finish all of the questions on test day. Practice, Practice, Practice Of course, this is important for all sections on the ACT, but practice specifically for Reading, too! Once you feel confident in your Reading skills and strategies, it’s important to practice before your test day by taking a few full-length practice reading sections. Full-length practice tests are available in ACT practice books at local bookstores, at your local library, and are even downloadable online. Find a quiet place where you can take the practice session and clear off the table or desk. Try and eliminate any distractions and do the best your can to mimic your test-day environment. Keep a clock or timer in front of you so you can periodically check and see how you are doing. You may want to set the timer to go off every 9-10 minutes. If it does and you are still on the same passage, it may indicate to you that you need to practice your strategies in order to get through the test. Don’t rush, but make sure you can move confidently from one passage to the next and answer ALL questions in the time allotted. Predict an Answer No one ever thinks about all the time they waste hemming and hawing over answer choices. If you take the time to come up with an answer in your head first before you look at the answer choices, you will actually save time (not waste it) when you are choosing an answer. Slow Down Counterintuitive, right? Well, look at it this way. In an ideal world, we can do all 40 questions on the ACT Reading Test in 35 minutes, but many students find that they’re either rushing through them with low accuracy, or only able to do 2 or 3 passages. One of the things I hear a lot from frustrated students is that there isn’t enough time on the test to take notes of follow the recommended ACT Reading strategies. Let’s look at two students and their scores and see how slowing down and taking notes, even at the expense of leaving an entire passage blank, can actually increase your score on the ACT Reading Test! Student 1: Marion Let’s say Marion does not take any notes. She skims the passage and reads the questions quickly, then scans back to the passage hoping to locate the correct answer. Her goal is try to complete all 40 questions, which she is able to do by spending approximately 8-9 minutes on each passage. But because she rushed without really understanding any of the passage, she only gets 5/10 questions correct on each Reading passage, or 20 correct answers total. Because there’s no wrong answer penalty on the ACT, only her correct answers count towards her score. Final Scaled Score: 20 Student 2: Steven Now let’s look at another student. Steven reads each passage, carefully taking notes and breaking the passage down. He practices active reading and asks himself questions about the author’s main idea and point of view as he reads. This means that he only has time to do 3 out of 4 passages. For the last passage, he quickly guesses on the 10 questions since he knows there is no wrong answer penalty on the ACT. He spent about 11-12 minutes on each of the three passages. Because he really understood the passages, he gets 8/10 questions right on the first three passages he completed. His accuracy is much higher because of the time he spent thinking critically and analyzing the passage. For the last passage, he gets 2 questions correct out of the 10 guessed questions. This makes his total correct a 26. Final Scaled Score: 25 The Outcome It’s pretty amazing how Steven took three more minutes on each passage, got only three more questions correct on each of the first three passages, did not even read the 4th passage, and yet received a scaled score that was a full 5 points higher than Marion’s! The Lesson: If you’re struggling with pacing and accuracy on the ACT Reading Test, try the â€Å"3 out of 4† method that Steven used! And finally†¦ Commit! Once you start a passage, commit to finishing it. Going in test order may not be so important, but not wasting time jumping back and forth is. Valuable time will be lost confusing yourself, and even those precious page-turning seconds should not be wasted. ACT Pacing and Time Management: Science Do the Shortest Passages First Many students are intimidated but the ACT Science Test. Feel free to do the passages in any order. The Data Representation passages tend to be less â€Å"text-heavy.† If you’re a slow reader, but better at interpreting pictures, start with these. Doing practice science sections will help you become more familiar with topics tested on the ACT Science test. Or Do Your Favorite Type of Science Passage First. There is no rule that states you must do the ACT Science passages in the order in which they are presented, so if you’re not a fan of Research Summaries, skip it and do the Data Rep and Conflicting Viewpoints first. Using this test strategy doesn’t mean you won’t answer those questions, it just means you can always come back to them at the end. Predict! Just as with reading, read the passage to predict your own answer. Then match your prediction to the answer choices. This will save you time. Don’t get stuck weighing answer choices. Match your prediction and move on! Watch more videos about the ACT Science Test on our MagooshACT YouTube channel! ACT Pacing and Time Management: Essay Take 5 minutes to Plan A high level of organization is essential to better scores on the ACT Writing section. Use the sample essays on the ACT site to give you an idea of how high-scoring essays look. This practice will help you with your college admissions essays as well, since you have to write so many personal statements as part of college entry requirements. What to Do When ACT Times Almost Up Avoid This Scenario by Doing Rounds Unlike the SAT, the ACT is not strictly organized within sections from easy to hard. Rather than methodically plodding along from question 1 to question-whatever-you-get-to, think about completing each test in â€Å"rounds.† Round 1 is all of the questions you can do without a problem. Round 2 is the questions that you know you can do but are going to take you a little bit longer. Round 3 is the really challenging questions that you really need to think about. This is a great strategy for the entirety of the Math test. On Reading, though, you might want to do rounds within each passage. Go through each set of ten questions, answering the ones you can do quickly and marking the ones to come back to for Round 2. Then check your time (about 8  ½ minutes per passage) and see how much time you have to devote to your Round 2 questions. Know YOUR ACT It is totally normal not to finish every single problem the ACT. There is no shame at all in deciding you need to just focus on 3 of the 4 reading passages to get your best score or 6 of the 7 science passages. This is way better than only half-doing all of the problems as you rush through. Never Close Your Booklet! I mean, do it when the proctor tells you toobut not before! Now is the time to go back and check your work, not to take a nap! Don’t second-guess yourself to the extreme, but re-check your work on the medium-hard level test questions. Start practicing this tactic when you work on your ACT practice tests, and you will be more likely to naturally apply this strategy on test day! Thank you to Magoosh ACT Experts and Bloggers Rita Neumann, Kristin Fracchia, Susanna Langholm, and Nadira Berman for contributing content and expertise to this guide to ACT pacing and time management!

Monday, May 18, 2020


Biopsychosocial Models for Schizophrenia Karolyn LaPre 11/15/13 Psy 305 Instructor: Arthur Swisher This paper will explore one of the most severe mental disorders, schizophrenia, with the goal of providing an actualized understanding of this disorder, including its etiology, course, epidemiology, diagnostic and treatment. Schizophrenia is characterized by an unadaptive pattern of general though and emotions, including delusions, auditory hallucinations, paranoia, disorganized thinking and disorganized speech. These symptoms cause a significant impairment in personal and social life. There are a wide range of symptoms that can be present in individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia, for†¦show more content†¦Several environmental factors can contribute to the development and course of schizophrenia. Prenatal factors, such as obstetric complications, maternal malnutrition, maternal stress or even been born in winter or spring or are common risk factors for schizophrenia, though they do not represent factors of high-risk (Baier, 2010). Less-common factors for schizophrenia are increased paternal age and gluten intolerance. Studies with small samples have identified certain psychosocial factors that are likely to be risk factors for schizophrenia: living in urban areas, poor family environment, low socio-economic level, disrupt school behavior, low social competence and immaturity (Kneisl Trigoboff, 2009). Schizophrenia affects about 0.7% of world population. It is slightly more common in males (1.4 times) and the usually ages of onset are 20-28 years for men and 26-32 years for women. Different countries have slightly different rates of schizophrenia, which reflect the importance of environmental effects in the development of the disorder (Kneisl Trigoboff, 2009). Schizophrenia is a societal concern, as it cause considerable costs. Life expectancy is 15 years lower in schizophrenic individuals, in great part due to the comorbidities of the disorder, such as depression and substance abuse. Three-fourth of schizophrenics have disability with relapses (Baier, 2010). Most people withShow MoreRelatedEssay on Analysis of Psychotherapy Treatment Modalities2191 Words   |  9 Pagesoptimal situations for the one-person model of integrated treatment. The study also looked into different possibilities underlying popularity with the integrated model. For instance, a two-person model, in which one simply provides medications and the other does the psychotherapy, may be more cost effective than other treatment options. The overall results of this study are inconclusive in providing positive results toward a one or two-person integrated treatment model. 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Saturday, May 16, 2020

A Risk Analysis Of Grasim Industries Finance Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1797 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? GRASIM INDUSTRIES is one of the leaders in cement industry. It is apart of ADITYA BIRLA GROUP. It is the second largest producer of cement after ACC limited. KUMAR MANGALAM BIRLA is the chairman of Grasim industries. RISK ANALYSIS RISKS FOR GRASIM INDUSTRIES Some of the key risks affecting the Company are illustrated below: Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Risk Analysis Of Grasim Industries Finance Essay" essay for you Create order Economic Risk Due to the opening of world trade and diminishing tariffs, the Company is faced with the threat of pressure on margins on products. To counter these, the Company stepped up its focus on value added products by upgrading and expanding manufacturing capacities and increasing RD. In addition, structural cost optimisation and cost control measures have been initiated. BUBBLE BURST Secondly,with the SUBPRIME CRISIS in USA which led to global turmoil to the world economy and led to the fall in the prices of real estate is one of the biggest risk being faced by GRASIM. Competitor Risk The market is highly competitive with the elimination of fiscal barriers and inroads of large corporates into the country with inorganic growth strategies. The Company continues to focus on increasing its market share and taking marketing initiatives that help customers in making informed decisions. Project Execution Risk The Company is in the process of setting up cement capacities and captive thermal power plants. The project execution is largely dependent upon land purchase, project management skills, timely delivery by the equipment suppliers and adherence to schedule by civil contractors. Any delay in project implementation will impact revenues and profit for that period. The Company is continuously reviewing the project execution to ensure that the implementation schedules are adhered. Human Resource Risk The Companys ability to deliver value also depends on its ability to attract, train, motivate, empower and retain the best professional talents. These abilities have to be developed across Companys rapidly expanding operations. There is significant competition from emerging service sectors, which poses inherent risks associated with the ability to hire and retain skilled and experienced professionals. The Company continuously benchmarks HR policies and practices with the best in the industry and carries out necessary improvements to attract and retain best talent and build intellectual capital. Foreign Exchange Risk The Companys policy is to hedge its long-term foreign exchange risk as well as short-term exposures within the defined parameters. The long-term foreign exchange liability is fully hedged, and hedges are on held to maturity basis. As imports (including capital goods import) exceeded exports, the Company has suitably hedged the differential short-term exposure from time to time to appropriately manage the currency risk. Interest Rate Risk The Company is exposed to interest rate fluctuations on its borrowings. It uses a judicious mix of fixed and floating rate debts within the stipulated parameters. The Company continuously monitors its interest rate exposures and whenever required, uses hedging tools to minimise interest rate risk. Commodity Price Risk The Company is exposed to the risk of price fluctuation on raw materials, energy sources as well as finished goods. However, considering the normal correlation in the prices of raw materials and finished goods, the risk is reduced. The Companys strategy of backward integration, like pulp and caustic soda for VSF, helps in minimising the effect of increase in prices of raw materials. Setting up of captive power plants aids in controlling the impact of rise in energy cost, which is a major cost element. Forward integration in value added products, e.g., specialty fibre in VSF, ready mix concrete in cement, wall care putty in white cement enables to reduce the impact of price fluctuation in the finished goods. RISKS FACED BY CEMENT INDUSTRY ECONOMIC RISK The first major risk faced by the cement industry is the current market situation i.e recession, sub prime crisis, bubble burst, fall in the prices of real estate high interest rates on housing loans inflation. All these factors are a threat to cement industry as the are the forces of demand for the cement in the market. COMPETITORS RISK INDIAN CEMENT INDUSTRY is facing a tough competiton with CHINESE CEMENT INDUSTRY AND PAKISTAN which is creating a threat to our domestic market. LACK OF RESOURCES COAL-the major problem There is lack of resources which creates problem for the cement industry in meeting its demand. Since coalfields like BCCL supply a poor quality of coal, NCL and CCL the industry has to blend high-grade coal with it. The Indian coal has a low calorific value (3,500-4,000 kcal/kg) with ash content as high as 25-30% compared to imported coal of high calorific value (7,000-8,000 kcal/kg) with low ash content 6-7% which ultimately increases the price of the cement. ELECTRICITY Another major hindrance to the industry is severe power cuts. Most of the cement producing states like AP, MP experience power cuts to the tune of 25-30% every year causing substantial production loss. INFRASTRUCTURE-TRANSPORTATION There is also the problem of inadequate availability of wagons especially on western railways and southeastern railways. GOVERNMENT POLICIES RISK Government policies have affected the growth of cement plants in India in various stages. The control on cement for a long time and then partial decontrol and then total decontrol has contributed to the gradual opening up of the market for cement producers. OTHER SECTOR RISKS CEMENT INDUSTRY has direct risk from reality sector and petroleum sector.the demand for the infrastructure developments and prices of crude oil in the foreign market and interest rates of our monetary policies directly impact our CEMENT INDUSTRY. TECHNOLOGICAL RISKS/OPERATIONAL RISK Another risk faced by the cement industry is the upgradation of technology which involves huge costs. huge costs are involved in setting up of plants with latest technology and their is a risk of human resource as well linked to it. RISK MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES The Company is exposed to risks from market fluctuations of foreign exchange and interest rate. SO the various risk management techniques followed by Grasim are- The Company has a comprehensive risk management policy. The risk management inter alia provides for review of the risk assessment and mitigation procedure, laying down procedure to inform/report the Board in the matter and for periodical review of the procedure to ensure that executive management controls the risks through a properly defined framework. Foreign Exchange Risk The Companys policy is to hedge its long-term foreign exchange risk as well as short-term exposures within defined parameters. Currently, the Company has a small long-term foreign ex change liability of Rs. 20 crores which is partially hedged. The short-term exposures are covered from time to time. The Companys aggregate exports stood at Rs.101.8 crores and imports at Rs.400.6 croresin FY09. Due to the excess of imports over exports, the Company has suitably hedged the differential exposure. Interest Rate Risk The Company is exposed to interest rate fluctuations on its Rupee denominated borrowings. The Company uses judicious mix of fixed and variable rate debts within the stipulated parameters. The company does not perceive interest rate fluctuations as a significant risk, having any material impact on its profitability. COMMODITY RISK TECHNIQUE The Company is exposed to the risk of price fluctuation on raw materials, energy sources as well as finished goods. However, considering the normal correlation in the prices of raw materials and finished goods, the risk is reduced. The Companys strategy of backward integration, like pulp and caust ic soda for VSF, helps in minimising the effect of increase in prices of raw materials. RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM For the operational risk management they have adopted RIS i.e risk management system which deals in .Specialized risk management training Safety Audit Studies Fire and Explosion Investigations Electrical Safety Audits POST IMPLICATIONS OF RISK MANAGEMENT After the implementation of various techniques the GRASIM INDUSTRIES is able to optimize its risks. The Companys cement volumes grew by 6% during the years as the benefit of new capacities accrued only towards the later part of the year. All major costs decreased. The market coverage of Ready Mix Concrete has increased substantially with large capacity expansions in the last year. Its volumes increased by 24%. Both volumes and realisation were good for White Cement. The value added product Wall Care Putty registered a 40% growth. Sales volume grew from 14.52 million tonnes in FY 07 to 15.54 million tonnes in FY08, a growth of 7%. The Company successfully transited the Birla Plus brand to UltraTech Cement The Engineers Choice for a common brand identity across the country. Upgrading the Companys pollution control equipments on a continuous basis for better efficiency R N D facilities- RD was also focused on improving the processes in plants to achieve better energy consumption and reduced emissions to the environment. Future plans are towards development of new products and utilisation of waste fuels to reduce carbon foot print. The foundation stone for the White Cement RD Centre namely Aditya Research Development Centre (ARDC) was laid on 20th December, 2008. Improved decision-making, planning and prioritizing skills. Well-organized allocation of the resources and the capital. Allowed anticipate the problems and utilizes the best minimizing amount of fire fighting and preventing a disaster, which could lead to sever financial crunch. Risk management significantly improved the probability of the delivery of the business plan, within the time frame and budget. Stratergic investment by acquiring 12.89% equity in Larsen and Toubro. The Business has also enhanced its investment in Ready Mix Concrete, with excellent customer response in the markets being served. Moreover, the Business was able to reduce its cost of sales per tonne through expanded use of alternative fuels, a reduction in the freight cost, a voluntary retirement scheme at one of its major plants and various other process initiatives. In addition, the Company commissioned its new 1.0 Mn.tpa Grinding Unit at Bhatinda in Punjab. An outlay of over Rs. 460 Crores in the last 2 years was committed towards capital investment in support of these priorities; and this programme is being continued in the current fiscal. Improved throughput, reduced power costs and increased process efficiencies are the targeted outcome of this Programme. Continuous technological upgrading and assimilation of latest technology has been going on in the cement industry. Presently 93 per cent of the total capacity in the industry is based on modern and environment-friendly dry process technology and only 7 per cent of the capacity is based on old wet and semi-dry process technology. CONCLUSION The cement industry is one of the main beneficiaries of the infrastructure boom. With robust demand and adequate supply, the industry has bright future. The cement sector is expected to witness growth in line with the economic growth because of the strong co-relation with GDP. As far as GRASIM INDUSTRIES is concerned the company is moving at a faster rate and risk management techniques has helped it to sustain and earn profits at the time of consolidated slowdown inflationary market.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Plunging The Joy Luck Club by Amt Tan Essay - 1131 Words

The Joy Luck Club (1985) was written by Amy Tan (1952). The Joy Luck Club is the story of a Chinese mother who leaves everything behind, a mother who leaves her family in China in order to get her children (in this case our protagonist June) a better life. Or as Amy Tan says: â€Å"The Joy Luck Club, about a woman whose mother has just died and who regrets that she never knew who she truly was. The stories poured out. They were what I felt and had to say before it was too late. I had found my reason to write.† (http://www.theguardian.com/books/2013/nov/19/amy-tan-joy-luck-club-guardian-book-club) The Joy Luck Club is the story of a Chinese mother who leaves everything behind but it is also the story of a Chinese-American woman who realises in a†¦show more content†¦The story of the swan (we can read it on Feathers from a Thousand LI Away) is very meaningful. The American Dream changes between the generations. For the mothers, it is creating a future full of privilege and success. For the daughters, it is the freedom to take their opportunities and do with them as little or as much as they want. The daughters American ness is reflected most strongly in their relationships with men. Ted, Harold, and especially Rich, represent the American part of their wives, which for the mothers seems frighteningly disconnected from Chinese thinking. Suyuan wants Jing-Mei to be the perfect American girl like Shirley Temple, but resents how little Jing-Mei understands about Chinese culture. As Lindo Jong explains, these are the perils of being two-faced. Fitting in one place means not fitting in somewhere else, and the challenge for Chinese-American women is to find a balance that honours both cultures. Another very important subject is that which talks about love and marriages. On the one side we have the mothers who thought that love and marriage are not always holding hands. That is, a wife sometimes has to do things although she doesn’t want to. We come back to role of the submissive woman. On the other hand we have the daughters, who believe that they have the right to find true love and to get married and if they marry, they have the right to be themselves and not what their husbands or the

William Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet - 1591 Words

Shakespeare is a prominent figure present throughout history. His writing is credited as some of the most influential pieces written in English literature. Shakespeare was born in 1564 in England. He attended school, but did not further his formal education after dropping out of grammar school. In 1590, he left his wife and three children in order to become a playwright and actor. He was successful with this, and, because of his reputation, became a popular playwright in England. After his death in 1616 at the age of fifty-two, his work became some of the most reputable works of all time. They have been enjoyed as timeless classics to this day. The works I have chosen to compare are Romeo and Juliet and Much Ado About Nothing, both of†¦show more content†¦Much Ado About Nothing is a comedy nowhere near as dismal as its comparison, Romeo and Juliet. This play is centered around a couple many see as fit for marriage, except the two â€Å"lovebirds† are unable to see that for themselves. Though the courting couple may be older, their unbelievably funny wit and inability to recognize their passion for eachother is what makes this play so great! Though the plays are both of different genres, each encompassess aspects of an incredibly entertaining, informative piece. I say this because of the themes Shakespeare presents throughout the works, the complexity of characters, and the allegorical messages present throughout the plays. Both of the works I have selected are entertaining and informative pieces because of the themes Shakespeare presents throughout them. Shakespeare is known for incorporating sappy, cliched romance into his plays. Unfortunately, with Shakespeare, romance does not exclude tragedy. In my opinion, this is what makes his work so enjoyable! In Romeo and Juliet, the ongoing Montagues-Capulet family feud leads young Romeo and Juliet to have a difficult time furthering their relationship. Though madly in love, tragedy in the form of suicide strikes the both of them. In Act 5, Scene 3, Romeo and Juliet make the ultimate sacrifice and kill themselves in order to continue their love in death. Romeo chooses poison as his killer, and Juliet chooses Romeo’s dagger as hers. â€Å"O happy

Walt Disney Strategy Case free essay sample

What is Walt Disney Company’s corporate generic strategy? Explain the reason for your answer. Broad Differentiation because its products are in media networks, parks and resorts, studio entertainment, consumer products, and interactive media. Thus, it attracts a wide base of consumers through differentiating its products by superior dedication to creating high quality content, technological innovations in entertainment and international expansion. 2. What is your assessment of the long-term attractiveness of the industries represented in Walt Disney Company’s business portfolio? See p. 234 in test. Attractive (from most to least) : Studio Entertainment, Consumer Products, Parks/Resorts, Media Networks Profitability, Growth, Competition are most important to diversified strategies. It is also a healthy sign that most of Disney’s profits come from attractive industries. Disney should reexamine the potential of Interactive Media line. 3. What is your assessment of the competitive strength of Walt Disney Company’s different business units? See p. 237 in text. We will write a custom essay sample on Walt Disney Strategy Case or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Consistent with the industry attractiveness, the weakest business unit is interactive media. The rest are in strong, competitive positions. 4. What does a 9-cell industry attractiveness/business strength matrix displaying Walt Disney Company’s business units look like? See p. 239 in text. Below is the nine-cell industry attractiveness-competitive strength matrix. The x-axis is labeled as competitive strength/market position and the y-axis represents industry attractiveness. The way I determined the relative size and position of each of Disney’s five main business lines mentioned in the case was by first completing a weighted competitive strength score for each of the business lines. Additionally, figures provided in the case showed the revenues of each business line, which directly contributed to how big each circle was. It is evident from the matrix below that the parks/resorts business line generates the most revenue, followed closely by media networks. Interactive media and studio entertainment are currently generating the least revenue. This is due to the high cost to produce films for studio entertainment and the fact that interactive media is a relatively new business channel for Disney. However, out of all business lines, these two have the most potential in their industry and are therefore very attractive. Interactive media is a hot trend that Disney will be able to capitalize on due to its acquisition of Playdom. While films are very expensive to produce and distribute, the profit potential from Marvel and Pixar make the industry very attractive overall. 5. Does Disney’s portfolio exhibit good strategic fit? What value chain match-ups do you see? What opportunities for skills transfer, cost sharing, or brand sharing do you see? Please be specific and explain why. Brand sharing is extremely relevant across all brands except for Media Networks (because it covers ESPN and other adult audience channels). 6. What is your assessment of Walt Disney Company’s financial and operating performance in fiscal years 2010-2011? What is your assessment of the relative contribution of the Disney SBUs to the financial strength of Disney, based on the 2011 fiscal year financial data? Numbers please! Your recommended actions must be supported with a convincing, analysis- based argument. Reevaluate the competencies of Interactive Media engineering team. This SBU has consistently been performing at a loss because the products produced are simply not competitive enough in the marketplace. The other low performing SBU is Studio Entertainment—alongside a strategic release of 2 movies a year, consider the channels in which they are being offered as more people are opting to stream on Netflix instead of DVDs or cable TV. Moreover, focus on stronger marketing campaigns to raise views 8. How has Disney done since 2011? Refer to Disney website. Continued leveraging content of Marvel (ex: Star Wars VII and Avengers) New video game platform, Disney Interactive (mobile games too) WatchESPN (24/7) Focus on technology for operational efficiency at parks (MyMagic+) China and Russia have now joined Japan and the UK as the biggest international markets for movies Management: Appoint Jack Dorsey (Twitter chairman and Square CEO) as independent Director

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Autobiography of a Leader-Free-Sample for Students-Myassignment

Question: Critically review the Biography or Autobiograph of a leader. Answer: Introduction Manmohan Singh, a renowned economist and the former Prime Minister of India has served the post of Prime Minister for a very long time after Jawaharlal Nehru. Before starting his political career, Singh was a prominent figure in many organizations. He has started his career with the United Nations in 1966 for United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Singh was the professor of University of Delhi after teaching 3 years in UNCTAD. He also worked with the Ministry of Foreign Trade and thus was appointed as the Advisor at the Ministry of the State. In 1970s, he was given the post of economic advisor with the Government of India. He was an economic consultant to the Prime Minister in that time. In 1982, he was appointed as the governor of the Reserve Bank of India and he has been working until 1985. During the period of 1985-1987, he served as the Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission of India[1]. He began his political career in 1991 when India was in the phase of serious economic crisis[2]. During that phase, Singh had devalued the value of rupees, privatized the state run industries, lowered taxes and encouraged foreign investment in the country. These reforms have helped to transform the economy and thus spark economic boom in India. In 1997, the Alberta University presented him with an honorary degree in Doctorate of Laws. Singh has been awarded the degree of doctorate in economics from the Oxford University, London in 2006[3]. Manmohan Singh was highly appreciated both for the academic as well as political communities as a scholar and a thinker. He was appreciated for his well-versed academic approach and diligence to work as well as his unassuming behavior and accessibility. Singh was in the list of 100 most influential people in the world according to the report of TIME magazine. He was also described as the leaders other leaders love and thus has gained respect and trust among others. Singh had also laid the blueprint of the Indian economy a nd he introduced various kinds of economic reforms, which has helped the economy to open up to FDI. Moreover, Singh has also abolished License Raj in India and thus this has helped in the promotion of growth of the private business[4]. Discussion Manmohan Singhs leadership in the liberalization of the Indian economy Manmohan Singh was the finance Minister in Narasimha Raos government in 1990 and he has changed the economy in a fundamental way. In the initial stage of development of India, central planning is regarded as a positive factor for the development of building industries and promoting industrialization. He has tried to introduce rationality in the entire allocation process and in the later period, this has become an instrument of corruption. When Manmohan Singh assumed the role of Finance Minister, Indian economy was functioning according to Nehrus social agenda and the external debt rose upto 23% of gross domestic product. Moreover, the internal public debt also amounted to 55% of GDP and the country was not performing better[5]. The functioning of quasi welfare state along with the license-raj has laid to the establishment of regulations and licenses which was necessary for the establishment and functioning of businesses in India[6]. Moreover, during this phase, the employment rate ha d also become negative and there was slow economic growth in the country. This has also affected the manufacturing sector in India. Manmohan Singh has scheduled the budget when he realized that there were certain problems in the Indian economy and thus there must be a shift from economic liberalization to license raj[7]. Singh has also started two step devaluation system which was set in collaboration with the RBI. This has helped in the devaluation of the currency by 9% initially and then it has gone down to 11% in the later half[8]. This has boosted the trade and the dealings in the international market. Singh has also mortgaged the gold holdings of India with the Bank of England and thus this has helped in the financial assistance of the country. He had sold 20 tons of gold to the Union Bank of Switzerland and has received $200 million. Singh has carried out this strategic route to gain the resources keeping in mind the value and the demand for gold. He also called the Indian economy to seek help from the International Monetary Fund and thus applied for an emergency loan of $220 million[9]. This has prevented the economy to be a debt defaulter and has helped in the later stage. The radical measures which were taken by Manmohan Singh were appreciated by many leaders. He has stressed growth and deve lopment in the Indian economy and several ways in which the economy has managed during the last 25 years which has proved as an exciting agenda in the research analysis. There were significant changes in the GDP of the country and the decline of the people who were sustaining below the poverty line after his leadership. He has underlined various challenges in the education, health and environmental sector and thus there were various scope of improvement in this areas for employment generation[10]. Leadership style of Manmohan Singh Manmohan Singh followed an autocratic leadership style and this can be understood when he assumed the charge of Finance Minister of India in 1990. During these period, there was financial crisis in the economy and the economy was on the verge of bankruptcy. Manmohan Singh has understood the condition of the economy and he introduced certain reforms in the country. Moreover, Singh also had the necessary idea and information which was considered necessary in the implementation and development of the adequate economic reforms. He took quick decisions and thus introduced many reforms in the Indian economy. Singh also had the capability to inspire his subalterns by his autocratic decision that was considered important in that phase. There were certain changes in the corporate affairs and in the standard of living of the population in India[11]. As he was an autocratic leader, he could work well with the other ministers and thus has been successful in supporting the Indian economy. Moreove r, he also followed streamlined work process and thus has control over the entire operation process. Singh had the capability to identify the areas of weakness of the Indian economy and bring changes through the implementation of reforms in the economy. Singh has also applied certain rules for his subordinate leaders so that they can work together for reviving the Indian economy from the phase of economic crisis. He was consistent and effective in the implementation of rules and regulations. Moreover, it can be stated that the autocratic leadership style of Singh has helped to enhance the performance level and thus bring more solutions that are accurate in the economy. The autocratic style of leadership that was followed by Manmohan Singh is considered as the most effective style of leadership and this motivates the other leaders in the economy. Singh also followed participative leadership style when he has encouraged the international community to include Africa in the entire decision making process. This has also intensified the endeavours to support regional development. This will help in improving the living conditions on the African continent and thus support economic development in the country. Singh has pointed that participative leadership will be beneficial in this case. This will support economic development in the western countries. Singh is also considered as a visionary leader as he took many initiatives in food security bill and nuclear bill. Singh was also regarded as a task oriented leader and he focused on only one issue at a particular time[13]. Singhs was a virtuous leader and thus this has enabled him as a leader to face many tasks and all the turbulences of political activities at the same time. Singh had solution for every complex problem which was within his reach. He wanted greater participation from the other leaders who followed or helped him with various official works. Singh also had the ability to work collaboratively in the group, using his consensus so that he can get the right things done in the correct time. An important characteristic that Singh possessed was his innovative thinking and the encouragement that was necessary for other leaders to get the things done in the correct time. Singh fostered a creative environment in the economy and he always wanted input and innovative ideas from his team members. When he was the Finance Minister of India, he urged the other leaders to deliver or share their ideas so that they can bring changes in the Indian economy[14]. Crucible events that has shaped Manmohan Singhs leadership approach Manmohan Singh had to face international embarrassment when he was appointed as the Finance Minister of India. The Left party had opposed the ideas which were given by Singh and Narasimha Rao during the period of economic crisis. The economy had to pass through a crucial approach and foreign direct investment was also detrimental in the Indian economy. Many leaders opposed the New Industrial policy that was proposed to bring changes in the Indian economy. They claimed that it was unwarranted condemnation over the past four decades of the planned economy. The leaders were not convinced with the ideas proposed by Singh and there were some political repositioning and repackaging. The New Industrial Policy has led to the presentation of new budget by Dr Manmohan Singh. He had prepared seven budgets in 1970s. However, the budget that was prepared in July 1991 was written and conceived by Singh. Moreover, he also presented this budget in 1991[15]. The budget was difficult and there was a h uge paradigm shift in the economic thinking and thus this has remained steady for a quarter of century in the economy. The new trade policy has changed the environment dramatically for the exporters as well as the importers. The devaluation of rupees had taken place and thus the foreign exchange reserve of the country had dwindled to $900 million[16]. This has also led to the articulation of the new fiscal policy that Singh had done to unveil and reorient the nature of public expenditure of India[17]. Singh has also announced the formation of two committees and this was done to change the face of the Indian economy[18]. This was done with the introduction of financial sector reforms which was headed by M. Narasimhan and the other committee led by Raja Chelliah which was formed for the reduction of import duties. Manmohan Singh was the Finance Minister during the period of liberalization in 1991 and thus there were drastic changes in the economy[19]. When he became the Prime Minister i.e. during the period of 2004-2014 he became the Prime Minister of India and it was during this tenure the liberalized economic policies were implemented on a larger scale. He also stressed on the growth and development of the Indian economy and the way in which the economy has passed during the past 25 years. Singh has also streamlined the licensing process and he has tried to link the non-essential imports with the exports so as to discourage those imports. The abolishment of export subsidies and the expansion of the licensing policy was also introduced by Singh. He also called for transferring the statutory powers to SEBI and enable it to regulate the working of the stock exchange market in the country[20]. Although there was steady economic growth, Manmohan Singhs measures were appreciated and he has faced strong challenges for going against the scheme of central financing supported by the left-oriented wing. The right-wing measures has given the capitalists to flourish their business in the Indian economy. The corporate tax was increased from 40 to 45% which depicts that there were some other plans for the development of the economy[21]. Moreover, when Singh was sworn as the Finance Minister of India, the economy faced the highest fiscal deficit and he had to decide how much he could to prioritize the reforms such as privatization and labour laws and pressure to spend more on the social programmes that has helped the Congress party to win the election. On the other hand the central bank also urged the commercial banks to reduce their lending and deposit rates[22]. Negative aspects of the Manmohan Singhs leadership When Manmohan Singh took the charge of the Prime Minister, there was a huge fall in the GDP of the India. There was also huge increase in the inflation level also experienced a negative growth rate. As he was an autocratic leader and he did not listen to the opinions of the other leaders, there was slow growth or negative growth rate in many sectors. The Government of India during the tenure of Manmohan Singh has failed to withdraw the post crisis fiscal stimulus. This also affected the Indian economy and the inflation rate has increased. The excess demand has spilled the trade account and thus India came close to the mess of balance of payments. Singh has given much emphasis on the foreign of India to secure the position of the country from the political legacy. Conclusion Singh was an integrator, strategist and a visionary leader. He is regarded as an analytical leader and he tried to understand every situation calmly before he took any strategic action. As an economic reformer, he proved himself as an excellent crisis handler. He was dedicated to his work and he has spent more than three decades in various government posts. After the opposition of the Indo-US civilian nuclear deal, Singh came to a firm conclusion to sign the deal. There was a vote of confidence by the Indian Government in this aspect. Singh also gave the credit of the success of the government to the entire UPA Government. Singh was also criticized for fostering close ties with United States and therefore he used several deals to leverage the power in the Indian Government. The slow growth rate of the economy and the allegations of corruption of the Congress officials have hindered the governance during the tenure of Manmohan Singh. Therefore, it can be concluded that Singh has presi ded over the rapidly expanding economy and due to the rising fuel costs, there precipitated an increase in the inflation rate and this has threatened the ability of the government to provide subsidies in the country. References Ahluwalia, I. J., Little, I. M. D. (2012).India's economic reforms and development: Essays for Manmohan Singh. Oxford University Press. Burns, N., Agreement, U. I. C. N. (2014). Obamas opportunity with India and its new leader.The Washington Post. Corbridge, S., Harriss, J. (2014). The shock of reform.South Asia in a Globalising World: A Reconstructed Regional Geography, (3), 103. Denyer, S., South Asia, L. S. E. (2014). The dual nature of its democracy is at the heart of understanding IndiaSimon Denyer.South Asia@ LSE. Faruqi, A. A. (2013). 12. Reflections on current political scenario in India.SOCRATES: Vol 1, No 1 (2013): ISSUE-YEAR 2013,1, 122. Goyal, S. (2016). Economic reforms in India.ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal,6(3), 123-128. Henderson, D. R. (2017). A MORE OPTIMISTIC VIEW.Regulation,40(1), 38. Malhotra, B. (2014). Foreign Direct Investment: Impact on Indian Economy.Global Journal of Business Management and Information Technology,4(1), 17-23. Manor, J., Duckett, J. (2017). The significance of political leaders for social policy expansion in Brazil, China, India and South Africa.Commonwealth Comparative Politics,55(3), 303-327 Raju, G. R., Pandit, V. (2016). An Analysis of India's Trade Flows: During the Post-Reform Period.Journal of International Economics,7(1), 61. Sharma, P. (2015).Democracy and transparency in the Indian state: The making of the Right To Information Act. Routledge. Singh, M. (2015). Bilateral relations.India--Myanmar Relations: Changing Contours, 215. Singh, M. (2017).To the Nation For The Nation. (1st ed). Academic Foundation. Singh, M. M. (2013).The changing collateral space(No. 13-25). International Monetary Fund. Singh, M. M. (2014).Financial plumbing and monetary policy(No. 14-111). International Monetary Fund. Vashneya, U., Gupta, S. (2017). Economic Reforms Concept and Strategy.Journal of Management Science, Operations Strategies (e ISSN 2456-9305),1(1), 1-4 Singh, M. (2017).To the Nation For The Nation. (1st ed). Academic Foundation. Singh, M. (2015). Bilateral relations.India--Myanmar Relations: Changing Contours, 215. Singh, M. (2017).To the Nation For The Nation. (1st ed). Academic Foundation. Singh, M. (2015). Bilateral relations.India--Myanmar Relations: Changing Contours, 215 Singh, M. M. (2014).Financial plumbing and monetary policy(No. 14-111). International Monetary Fund Goyal, S. (2016). Economic reforms in India.ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal,6(3), 123-128. Manor, J., Duckett, J. (2017). The significance of political leaders for social policy expansion in Brazil, China, India and South Africa.Commonwealth Comparative Politics,55(3), 303-327 Singh, M. (2017).To the Nation For The Nation. (1st ed). Academic Foundation. Singh, M. M. (2013).The changing collateral space(No. 13-25). International Monetary Fund. Faruqi, A. A. (2013). 12. Reflections on current political scenario in India.SOCRATES: Vol 1, No 1 (2013): ISSUE-YEAR 2013,1, 122. Raju, G. R., Pandit, V. (2016). An Analysis of India's Trade Flows: During the Post-Reform Period.Journal of International Economics,7(1), 61. Henderson, D. R. (2017). A MORE OPTIMISTIC VIEW.Regulation,40(1), 38. Burns, N., Agreement, U. I. C. N. (2014). Obamas opportunity with India and its new leader.The Washington Post Corbridge, S., Harriss, J. (2014). The shock of reform.South Asia in a Globalising World: A Reconstructed Regional Geography, (3), 103 Singh, M. (2017).To the Nation For The Nation. (1st ed). Academic Foundation. Singh, M. M. (2013).The changing collateral space(No. 13-25). International Monetary Fund. Sharma, P. (2015).Democracy and transparency in the Indian state: The making of the Right To Information Act. Routledge. Denyer, S., South Asia, L. S. E. (2014). The dual nature of its democracy is at the heart of understanding IndiaSimon Denyer.South Asia@ LSE. Ahluwalia, I. J., Little, I. M. D. (2012).India's economic reforms and development: Essays for Manmohan Singh. Oxford University Press. Malhotra, B. (2014). Foreign Direct Investment: Impact on Indian Economy.Global Journal of Business Management and Information Technology,4(1), 17-23. Singh, M. M. (2013).The changing collateral space(No. 13-25). International Monetary Fund. Vashneya, U., Gupta, S. (2017). Economic Reforms Concept and Strategy.Journal of Management Science, Operations Strategies (e ISSN 2456-9305),1(1), 1-4.