Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Did Punk Sell Out Commodification of Popular Music Essay

Did Punk Sell Out Commodification of Popular Music - Essay Example Understanding punk visuals and noises amounts to a historic study of an ideology that was formed out of working class youth mentality on resistance and change and punk rock, may be considered a chief medium with which to channel the content and comprehension of this ideology. Unlike pop culture which concentrates on romantic themes, the songs and rendition of punk execute around the nature of sexuality, moral, and political concerns. When the barrier broke between pop and rock, being an oppositional character, in Britain and U.S. during the mid-to-late 1970s there came a point of fusion among art, pop, and rock, signifying the birth of punk rock. B. Longhurst pointed out that the decline of rock ideals and the activities of some rock stars in the 1960s proceeded for them to be perceived under a capitalist commercial venture which hardly gave followers anymore positive attraction toward rock. This then became a remarkable opportunity for punk to help resolve the crisis by its unique e xistence with the attempt to renew the belief of an active political force present in rock culture [Longhurst]. Despite how the punk subculture has had diversification out of authentic roots, no serious claim can afford denying that it has uniquely lain foundation about itself and beyond. The privilege further extends to molding the distinct coexistence of the black’s rhythm and blues, soul, and ska.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Marketing strategies, tactics and techniques Essay

Marketing strategies, tactics and techniques - Essay Example This is already faster than the normal speed of cars available in the market at present. It is equipped with capabilities that limit the acceleration into 155mph that electronically safeguards the person driving thus avoiding cataclysmic effects of speed in accidents. http://www.businessweek.com/innovate/content/apr2006/id20060426_124236.htmchan=innovation_auto+design_new+%3Cfont+face%3D%22arial%22%3E%2B%3C%2Ffont%3E+noteworthy. Question here is, can this be available to ordinary consumers earning meager income enough to support a family of three Or is this limited only for those who can afford the luxury of buying expensive cars like that of BMWs As Steve Job would say, is the cost effective enough to be accessible to the ordinary masses Or will they be confined to subways and busses I believe that consumers nowadays are better equipped with options and better judgement this is why advertisement gets a bigger chunk of investments. In the end, no matter how popular the product may be , it would still boil down to what is necessary and therefore price is not the only consideration here. http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/060602/oil_prices_europe.html.v=1 With gas prices increasing unpredictably, shoppers would go for the best value for their money. In as far as economic stability staggers due to the erratic trend of gas prices, sellers are at the same time on their toes for tough competition.